Tag Archives: presentations


We are almost there!

As we said once again the project sites (to borrow John’s word) are beautiful. They each reflect significant intellectual work. As we enter the final weeks of the semester here is what you need to do:

  1. Before Thursday December 1: immerse yourself in the work of your peer’s project sites. Take notes. Then send your notes, in the form of a letter, to Mark, no later than 8 AM on Thursday. Mark will compile the notes and forward them to each project site team
  2. Work on your site. This work may pick up a bit once you have more written feedback from your readers
  3. Compose and post on your course blog a final “Research Reflection” by Tuesday the 6th at noon.

Public presentations of projects begin next week. The presentations may be “attended” by faculty and administrators from other COPLAC institutions:

Tuesday December 6 Presentation by Abby Shepherd, Keene State College, “The Women of Keene State: An Exploration through Personal Narratives”

Thursday December 8 Presentation by Emily Buckley-Crist and John Panus, SUNY Geneseo, “Foundations of Knowledge at SUNY Geneseo: Narrating the Public Liberal Arts: An Exploration of General Education and the Humanities Sequence”

Tuesday December 13 Presentation by Casey Brown and Julia Bone, UNC Asheville, “An Educational Narrative on the University of North Carolina at Asheville and the Liberal Arts”

On Thursday this week we will talk about preparing for and the logistics of the presentations. Please be in touch if you have any questions.