A Grand Finale

It’s hard to believe we’re all at the end of the course so soon.  Our blog  is nearly done, our last few interviews are rolling in and being uploaded, and I still feel like there is so much to do.  I’m honestly not too sure after this is all said and done if I’ll be able to get out of the mindset of looking for stories to tell every time I hear something about our campus mentioned in the classroom or community, but perhaps that is a good thing.  This has been a phenomenal experience, one which I can wholeheartedly say has helped me as a student in more ways than I would have initially thought.  WordPress, Timeline JS, and Blue Jeans are all technologies I feel comfortable with now, not even mentioning the enjoyment and learning that these interviews have brought.  I’m very happy with the strides Julia and I have made in these last few weeks.  I felt we may have been floundering initially, but I believe we now have a site that I can show my peers with pride.  I’m excited yet a bit nervous for the looming presentation day, but I’m still taking things one step at a time.

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