An End In Site (Pun Intended)

The word of the week in the fast-paced world of digital humanities: progress.  We’ve been trimming audio and scheduling new interviews.  Julia seems to have a better handle on things than me, as she has both of her interviews pretty much in stone, whereas I am still being snubbed by candidates.  However, I’m very optimistic I’ll be able to get one for this week with a long-standing administrator on campus, who should be able to fill me in on a lot of campus history.  We’re also working on getting our site in a more presentable order, with more for a viewer to see, even in these building stages.  I really want to dive into TimeLine JS this week, but am a little wary that we don’t have enough new material for it yet that hasn’t already been covered in the original timeline we made for the class.  My goal is to have the site in good order by Tuesday, so we can get some feedback and continue to work towards improving it.

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